Contact Us

Please use the form below to get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. If you need help from the foodbank the quickest way to reach us is by telephone. We can then direct you to the most appropriate agency to give you a foodbank voucher. Please note that this telephone line is manned by volunteers so please do leave a message if you are unable to get through, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Call our local helpline

If you can’t afford food, you can call 0808 278 7958 to speak to Wokingham Citizens Advice, a referral agency partner of Wokingham Foodbank, about getting a voucher.

Email us

Contact details

Phone us

07926 524605

Phone us



Warehouse – food donations only:
Wokingham Foodbank
498 Reading Rd
RG41 5EX

Directions via Google Maps