Harvest Festival
Harvest Festival 2023
We are mindful that for many people this is going to be a difficult autumn, the cost of living crisis is being felt acutely by so many in our community. We are very fortunate to receive support from local schools and churches during Harvest Festival. These generous donations replenish our stocks and help see us through the busy winter months ahead.
If you are considering donating your Harvest collection to the Foodbank this year, and we fully understand that there are other equally deserving charities in the area, can we please make several requests.
- Please check in here or our social media which is kept up to date detailing the items that we are running short of. We can provide you with a list closer to the time of your collection if you prefer, just let us know.
- At the present time we have an abundance of pasta, pet food and sanitary products and would prefer not to receive any further donations of these items if possible.
- It would help us considerably if donations are dropped off at a pre-arranged date and time
We are truly thankful for the continued support from the local community and can assure everyone that donations are helping those in genuine crisis.
We are very grateful for any donations, but the following list notes items that we are particularly short of: